"The people who know God will be strong and do great exploits." Daniel 11:32b
In other words: We want to be known as friends of Jesus who make our whole lives an act of worship and obedience to Him.

Youth & Young Adult Ministry
Our vision is to equip and empower the next generation to be all that God has called them to be. We want to see our young people grow and mature in their walk with God and to discover who God made them to be, children of the most high God.

Prayer Ministry
The LTAN family believes in the call, mandate, and privilege of pursing God in “all manner of prayer”, whether it is for personal needs, within corporate gatherings, or strategic intercession for specific assignments. Prayer can have many expressions, but it is always a powerful and precious encounter with our living God, through His resurrected Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

Israel Prayer Watch
Israel Prayer Watch is a place to gather on a regular basis to fulfill God’s call to pray for His covenant people and the land of Israel. LTAN Church also partners with other ministries, such as Return Ministries (www.return.co.il), particularly through Project Return, in assisting with “Aliyah”. Aliyah means: to ascend, to go up, to restore, to spring up.

Care Ministry
It is recognized that within an apostolic mandate there are still the needs of everyday life. As in Acts 6: 2-6 it is the goal of the pastoral team to help assist with the practical side of ministry so that the apostolic leadership of the house can focus on the ministry of the Word of God.

Prophetic Revelation Ministry
We at Lighthouse are committed to seeing people love God and bringing transformation into their sphere of influence through the supernatural realm of hearing God's voice and doing what He asks us to do, and by walking in revelation understanding of God's kingdom being lived out on earth. We are all to hear God's voice and prophecy igniting in others the purpose and hope and identity we have in Christ.

Apostolic Missions
The purpose of the Ekklesia and by extension the local assembly is defined by the apostolic mission. The mission of the Ekklesia is the job description or the specific assignment given it to fulfill. We are called to be a Lighthouse To All Nations. God is a missionary God. He sent His son to earth on a mission and Jesus in turn sent out His Apostles who were commissioned by the HolySpirit with a clear assignment- the Great commission.