Royal Commission Training Centre (RCTC)

RCTC has a mandate to train, equip and release God's people into the 7 Mountains of Society. The Seven Mountains are:

  1. Media
  2. Education
  3. Government
  4. Business
  5. Arts & Entertainment
  6. Religion
  7. Family


God is releasing a strategy which will begin shaping the nations. The desire of RCTC is to train and equip current and future leaders to meet the challenge. We offer workshops, teaching and equipping conferences for church leadership, marketplace, local and global ministries.

RCTC is committed to all generations by raising radically obedient leaders who will understand the 7 Mountain strategy. Through the training, participants will begin to become influential in their assigned mountain. From there the nations will be apprehended by the glory of God and the government of the Kingdom of God will be manifested.

Isaiah 2:2

"In the last days, the mountain of the Lord's house will be the highest of all--the most important place on earth. It will be raised above the other hills,

and people from all over the world will stream there to worship"

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